Photo of the finishing steps for Bambu Indah Guest Houses 
Concept Design: IBUKU Studios
Design Development + Construction Documentation: Luiz Machado
Construction team: PT Bamboo Pure
Construction Supervision: Luiz Machado

3D rendered video for the Bambu Indah Guest Houses - Rhino + Grasshopper
Concept Design: IBUKU Studios
Design Development + Construction Documentation: Luiz Machado
3D Modeling + Animation: Luiz Machado
Construction team: PT Bamboo Pure
Construction Supervision: Luiz Machado

Diagram of the Construction steps for the Bambu Indah Guest Houses - Rhino + Illustrator
Concept Design: IBUKU Studios
Design Development + Construction Documentation: Luiz Machado
3D Modeling + Diagrams: Luiz Machado

Grasshopper script for Bambu Indah Guest Houses bamboo structure - Rhino + Grasshopper
Grasshopper script and 3D model: Luiz Machado 

Design Development: Luiz Machado
Model Making: Dewata Samutra

Bamboo Model of the structure
Design Development: Luiz Machado
Model Making: Dewata Samutra

Construction process: Main laminated beams installation 

Construction process: Secondary laminated beams installation 

Construction process: Bedeg ceiling installation 

Construction process: Bedeg ceiling installation ​​​​​​​

Construction process: Waterproofing + splits shell  + tiles installation

Construction process: Copper shingles installation

Construction process: Lime finishing layer apllication

Construction process: Lime finishing drying

Construction process: detail for the roof 

Construction process: laminated bamboo doors installation

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